We are at an energy crossroad - Australian Financial Review
This year's policy choices will determine whether we depend on the primacy of markets, or shift towards central planning and regulation...
Combating climate change could boost G20 economies
By Thin Lei Win BANGKOK, May 23 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Tackling climate change could boost the world's 20 biggest economies by nearly...
EU environment ministers meet on eco-innovation, climate change
TALLINN, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Environment ministers of European Union (EU) member states met here Thursday to put focus on eco-innovation as a key...
IKEA aims to halve food waste at its restaurants by mid-2020
STOCKHOLM, June 19 (Reuters) - IKEA, which as well as being the No.1 furniture retailer also runs one of the world's biggest restaurant chains, aims to halve...
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